There are so many cliches about friendship, and I think they are there to prove a point:
We need friends in our lives. (And sometimes we have a hard time expressing what they mean to us without invoking the emotions of that old Folgers commercial where Peter comes home for Christmas and surprises his mom by making her coffee.)
This same group of gals that I was texting and I have a bible study that meets weekly at Starbucks. We started meeting regularly over 6 years ago...But it wasn't automatic...and it wasn't easy.
It was necessary. I had just moved back to Nebraska after living in Minnesota for 6 years. I adored (and still do!) my friends there, and many were in the same situations as I was in, but I felt God calling me home. I really didn't have any close friends in Nebraska anymore, and I was not looking forward to being lonely. So I started looking for people who I wanted to be like and who I thought would make me a better person. Then, I awkwardly asked them if they wanted to be in a bible study with me. We started to meet, and I know those first few months were not smooth, but they happened. Over the next few months, we developed a pattern. Even more importantly, however, we built trust and friendship. We found out who the others were and looked to support each other in tangible ways.
As time has passed, we have each commented on how much we needed this in our lives. Each of us had been praying for a group of friends, and God figured out a way to bring us together. We thank God regularly for answering those prayers.
I was originally going to write about how we need to be good friends to ourselves - and we do! - but often that is not enough. We need to have people around us who make us better...who challenge us...who hold us accountable...who hold us when we can't find strength...who we can be around with no expectations. We need that group of friends who knows us and loves us anyways.
I have been blessed with fabulous friends. And I look forward to the next round of texts and lattes and whatever else comes our way!